In this hour, I declare to the sky,
that with each new day, I'll gladly rise high,
waking with joy, eager to start anew,
leaving behind all the sorrow I knew.
With selective memory, I'll retain,
only the moments of happiness gained,
and those old hurts that darkened my way,
shall be erased by the light of the day.
I'll open myself to dreams I deserve,
free from guilt that could make my hopes curve,
welcoming all, without fear or remorse,
rising unfettered, strong in my course.
I'll find my peace in a stranger's relief,
lighting their path, bringing them new belief,
granting them hope, with my gift of a chance,
their life renewed in a hopeful advance.
I'll count every tool I hold in my grasp,
to build what once I let slip from my clasp,
no longer bound by the fear or the lies,
that once had blinded and clouded my eyes.
My life is mine, and with passion I state,
I alone choose what my soul will create,
and beyond all this, one truth will endure:
the fierce desire to rebuild and renew.