Enchanted realm


You received me with the magic that lives behind your corners,
I was reborn through your streets, their gentle murmurs.
I invoked my destiny while sitting on sacred ground,
And saw beyond the tears that once had me bound.

I met a love living its own reality,
Walked paths that led to glory's vitality.
Reached majestic places mocking my imagination,
Learned that loneliness isn't a condemnation.

Loneliness is just an option, a choice to make,
To find answers in silence, where only the soul can partake.
Recounting moments, each one collaborating,
To forge my true aptitude, my being elevating.

Opened my eyes to what I thought impossible,
Restored my faith, with several sunrises unstoppable.
Enlightened me with the light of the Sun,
Not common to shine so bright, yet in this season, it was won.

You wanted me as a gift, a cherished part,
For never resigning from this magical start.
Perhaps a covenant with my soul you made,
Oblivion won't blind me, my heart won't fade.

I will remember every moment lived,
As a holy sacrament, eternally to be relived.
Nothing can break us apart, our bond so tight,
In your domains, I'll smile, my heart alight.

I woke up one winter morning,
Looked out the window, a new life adorning.
So much time lost, yet now I regain my sight,
Feeling at home, after a long walk in the night.